Summary of Hortense Jongen’s research

Fighting Corruption the Soft Way – The Authority of Peer Reviews to Monitor Compliance with Anti-Corruption Standard Setting Instruments.

Hortense Jongen

My research focuses on the authority of peer reviews in the global fight against corruption. Central is the question how variation in the authority of anti-corruption peer reviews can be explained. To answer this question, I adopt a three-step approach making use of mixed methods. First, I suggest a measurement of the authority of peer reviews. Second, I apply this measurement to three anti-corruption peer reviews: the OECD Working Group on Bribery, the GRECO, and the peer review of the UN Convention against Corruption to establish their relative degrees of authority. Third, I explain variation between these peer reviews in terms of their authority by looking at institutional design features, such as transparency and inclusion of non-state actors, and membership composition, amongst others.